3be_9wi08ccQef3 Dating Profile

Find cute guys and amazing local hookups in Oneonta in Alabama
I am a 20 years old straight single woman living in Oneonta, Alabama

"The ideas I stand for are not mine. I borrowed them from Socrates. I swiped them from Chesterfield. I stole them from Jesus. And I put them in a book

My name is Katie. I'm pregnant with a little boy. I'm not a slut just because I'm pregnant, and that doesn't mean all I want is sex. I'm a country girl, I love to ride horses and dirt bikes(not so much for four wheeler). I love all music but I mostly listen to country. I have respect for soldiers, my older brother just recently went in and I'm so proud of him. My son and my niece are my life, so if you don't like children then don't talk to me. I love hanging out with friends. I love my family, their my life and I tend to spend as much time with them as I can. I love children and animals. I love to go on nature walks and watch movies. I like the outdoors and I love water.Just because I'm on here and you talk to me, or I talk to you, doesn't mean I'm going to be with you in anyway other than friends. If a relationship sparks up, great. I'm a girl who loves to be treated right. I'm independent and speak up. I'm not like most girls who bitch all the time. I tend to move alot, though it's not my fault. But I love to see places. I've been from NC to AZ, NC to NY, NC to AL. I hope to travel more.

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