3TDinyEY3 Dating Profile

Have a wild random hook up tonight with one of Saint Petersburg's hottest girls in Florida
I am a 34 years old straight single man living in Saint Petersburg, Florida

Now thats a silly question, as always im looking to party!

You know I really don't know anymore? I came to a fork in the road not to long ago and the path I chose calmed me down tremendously. I sometimes wonder if it made me boring? I guess family and friends would be the ones who know since they are the only ones who truely know me. I'd like to think it didn't make me boring... I still have plenty to say and no problem saying it. But I guess I thought that decision... that path... I guess I thought it was going to lead somwhere that up to this point it hasn't. Can I say I thought that path would lead to love without sounding naive? I guess I was under the impression that by calming down... by taking things a bit more serious... by being honest and growing up it would somehow make finding happiness easier. But I look back at the last year or so of my life and I honestly think that not only did it not make finding love and happiness easier it may actually have taken me a step backwards and possibly made it harder. Like I said, I don't know... I just really don't know but i'm confused and maybe even a little scared. The one thing I do know is that what I thought to be positive... the honesty... the willingness to change and put it all out there for the simple purpose of finding happiness... not just for myself... but for and with someone else... it does not seem to work. I am by no means saying that i'm giving up or changing directions. There will be no switching lanes and no more forks... at least intentionally...not in the road I see in my immediate future. I want it, but the results of all my searching is making it very tough to keep walking that path. As much as I hate to say it I don't think i'm at a fork... I think i'm at a stop sign... nah, a rest area... i'm just going to stop looking for a while. Im part owner of a company called Shoreline Electronics in downtown St. Pete... I own it with one of the best friends a person could ask for... You all know Adam... Our newest edition is Erin, her I also trust. She keeps me in order... let's say she balances out everything I lack and keeps the ship level. I have my mom popping in to do the books and making sure we dont blow all the money, hehe... It's great, not a complaint in sight. So let's talk likes and dislikes. First and foremost I dont like lies, lying, or any variation there of. I WILL NOT lie to you and if you dont have enough respect for me to do the same then I have no place for you in my life. That my friends has become the one thing that will... One hundred percent without a doubt show you the quickest way out of my life. I can forgive... I can forget... I'm all about second chances... but as the saying goes "Do not mistake kindness for weakness" because there is a point... a line... and when that line is crossed there is no coming back to the other side. Sadly I have lost a lot of special things in my life over something as petty as a lie. You know it's funny because the willingness to forgive, forget and give second...sometimes third chances... that's part of the confusion in my life. My heart says one thing, my mind says another. Something I find funny is that I love arguing when i'm with a girl I really love. Not over anything important... just a little butting of heads to keep things lively. You've got to have a little fight in you, hehe. But I always know when to quit and I love the smile when I apologize and say "I love you". The beach, boating and everything that comes along with it is a part of my life and although i'm not at all apposed to the idea of just packing up and going somewhere new, I would find it really hard to leave that behind. I didn't used to like typing but i've inadvertently become a typing and TEXTING machine. IF you can help please text me at... wait, no! No texting...Grrrrr... see what I mean, hehe. I dont like the smell of poo but i'll be damned if poo isn't just a fun word to say... haha, poo. go ahead and say it without smiling...you can't can you? I didn't think so... I don't care who you are that's just plain funny. I dont like haircuts, but I look gooooood when I get one... Oh, I said it! I didn't used to like talk radio but MJ in the Morning is a must. I dont like touching or eating fish with the exception of McDonalds and Burger King fish filets because I luuuuuuuv tarter sauce. Yeah, I have a tater sauce and tater tot caserole that your mama wishes she had the recipe for. Shit your grandma hasn't even seen a caserole of this caliber. You want some? NO!! I thought I had mono once for an entire year, but it turns out I was just really bored. Ok, enough already, if you made it this far we might as well get married. You know I want to so stop and run away now because it only takes me about thirty seconds to fall in love and you could be next. Muuuuuh Ha Ha Ha.

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